
Digitising cancer care: using electronic patient-reported outcome measures

Digital Edition: Digitising cancer care: using electronic patient-reported outcome measures

The introduction of digital clinics can provide a big boost for busy oncology outpatient services.


In 2021, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust launched a new clinical nurse specialist role to drive the implementation of their digital clinic pathways in the oncology outpatient service. This pathway provides a new way for patients to interact with their clinicians when receiving their cancer treatments, and the new role helped to support both clinicians and patients to adjust to the change. Development of digital clinics continue across the NHS; we discuss our journey so far and the role of a clinical nurse specialist in providing a high-quality service.

Citation: Large A, Shawcroft E (2023) Digitising cancer care: using electronic patient-reported outcome measures. Nursing Times [online]; 119: 10.

Authors: Alison Large is ePROMs clinical nurse specialist; Ewan Shawcroft is clinical oncology specialist registrar; both at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

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