
Greening the NHS 3: treating oral mucositis with photobiomodulation

Digital Edition: Greening the NHS 3: treating oral mucositis with photobiomodulation

A sustainable quality improvement initiative showed the beneficial effects of using light therapy for oral mucositis – for both the patient and the environment


For those diagnosed with a head and neck malignancy, radical radiotherapy is key. This regime often results in radiation-induced oral mucositis, which significantly affects psychological and physical health. Photobiomodulation, a relatively new adjuvant treatment, involves applying light to the mucosal membrane to prevent or reduce oral mucositis. This article demonstrates the beneficial effects of photobiomodulation reported in a small trial. The results show improvements for patients, and cost and environmental benefits, mainly through reductions in controlled medication use and unplanned admissions. The initiative won the Green Team Competition at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester. This is the third and final article in a series on sustainable nursing practice.

Citation: Langstaff A (2023) Greening the NHS 3: photobiomodulation to prevent or treat oral mucositis. Nursing Times [online]; 119: 8.

Author: Alexandra Langstaff is ward manager – head and neck, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.

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