
Frailty 4: care settings and digital healthcare during a period of decline

Digital Edition: Frailty 4: care settings and digital healthcare during a period of decline

How to care for people with frailty during a period of acute crisis associated with acute illness, including the use of digital healthcare tools


During a period of deteriorating health, different care options are available for frail older people. This article – the fourth in a series about frailty – discusses caring for people with frailty associated with acute illness in the most appropriate setting. This includes the use of digital care, which can support independence and wellbeing outside of hospital. In line with the theme underpinning this series, frailty is viewed through the lens of interdisciplinary care delivery that focuses on the person and not the syndrome.

Citation: Rushton J et al (2023) Frailty 4: care settings and digital healthcare during a period of decline. Nursing Times [online]; 119: 8.

Authors: James Rushton is assistant director of nursing (urgent care) – emergency assessment and access, Manchester Royal Infirmary; Nicola Andrews is research fellow, University of Southampton and National Institute for Health and Care Research – Applied Research Collaboration Wessex; Sara Bolton is regional chief allied health professional, NHS England – South East; Jonathan Webster is professor of practice development, Norfolk Initiative for Coastal and Rural Health Equalities (Anchor Institute), University of East Anglia.

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