Nurse Lifeline


We have asked relevant organisations around the UK and beyond to support the Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign.

The charity Nurse Lifeline, which aims to offer a national, free and confidential peer to peer listening service, has become the latest organisation to support our campaign with the following statement:

Nurse Lifeline supports the Nursing Times Covid-19: Are You OK? We aim to raise awareness of the potential long-term impact of working through the Covid-19 crisis on nurses’ mental health and wellbeing (and that of other staff and pre-registration students), and to ensure they have access to sources of formal and/or informal support.

Natalie Greening, founder and chair of Nurse Lifeline, said: “We’re all about building community. We believe in using our collective voice to raise awareness in support of initiatives that are in alignment with our cause, and we believe in cheering on those who are trying to make a difference.

“We want to do all we can to ensure that those in need get the right support, which is why we are proud to be supporting the Nursing Times 'Covid-19: Are you OK?' campaign.

“We’re all different, and we all have different needs. But one thing we have in common is that we all need access to wellbeing resources and sometimes we just need to chat with someone who gets it.

“From 1 June 2021, Nurse Lifeline becomes the first free, national and confidential, peer-led listening service run by nurses and midwives for nurses and midwives.

“We’re excited to be joining the ranks of other responsive organisations and brilliant wellbeing initiatives that have been established in response to staff needs.

“The Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign has been a leading voice in the conversation around reducing barriers to support and addressing the stigma around poor mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

“A valuable lesson for healthcare leaders and organisations, is that partnership always supersedes competition. Partnership at all levels is key to creating lasting change, and we commend the Nursing Times for raising the bar and uniting organisations in support of staff wellbeing.”

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