Cavell Nurses’ Trust

Cavell Nurses' Trust
Cavell Nurses' Trust

Source:  Cavell Nurses' Trust

We have asked a range of charities and other relevant organisations around the UK to support the Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign.

Cavell Nurses’ Trust is a charity supporting UK nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, both working and retired, when they are suffering personal or financial hardship often due to illness, disability, older age, domestic abuse and the impact of the coronavirus.

Cavell Nurses’ Trust supports the Nursing Times Covid-19: Are You OK?  campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the potential long-term impact of working through the Covid-19 crisis on nurses’ mental health and wellbeing (and that of other staff and pre-registration students), and to ensure they have access to sources of formal and/or informal support.

John Orchard, chief executive at Cavell Nurses’ Trust, said: “As the pandemic resurges, nursing and midwifery staff are being called on again to face Covid-19 on the frontline. Despite this, they will continue to need our help.

“The impact of this huge health emergency will be felt by this precious workforce for many months to come.

“Throughout the pandemic, Cavell Nurses’ Trust has been financially supporting nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants affected by Covid-19.

“Fallout from stressful Covid-19 working conditions, coupled with financial worries at home, mean many staff are not coping.

“News of companies laying off thousands of staff is worrying and these job losses will impact the households of nursing and midwifery staff too, both in the NHS and independent sector. But they carry on putting their patients first.

“The team at Cavell Nurses’ Trust is determined to create meaningful, long term support for our precious healthcare workforce and we’re adapting to make sure we’re here for them.

“If you’re a nurse, midwife or healthcare assistant facing financial worries this winter, we may be able to help. Visit our website for help and advice.”

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