Nursing Now

Nursing Now

Source:  Nursing Now

We have asked relevant organisations around the UK and beyond to support the Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign.

Nursing Now, a global campaign to improve health by raising the status and profile of nursing, has signed up to support Covid-19: Are You OK? through the following statement:

Nursing Now supports the Nursing Times Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the potential long-term impact of working through the Covid-19 crisis on nurses’ mental health and wellbeing (and that of other staff and pre-registration students), and to ensure they have access to sources of formal and/or informal support.

Dr Barbara Stilwell, executive director of Nursing Now, said: “This pandemic has affected the wellbeing of everyone in different ways, but the effects of stress are a common thread for all of us.”

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