
Workplace conflict: why it happens and how to manage it

Digital Edition: Workplace conflict: why it happens and how to manage it

This article explores why conflict may arise in the workplace and how to deal with it. It comes with a handout for a journal club discussion

In a large and complex organisation such as the NHS, workplace conflict is inevitable. It may arise from structural issues, incompatible personalities or differing opinions, and is exacerbated by demanding jobs, long hours, pressure on resources, organisational change and societal factors. A common strategy is to try to reduce or eliminate conflict but, if it is inherent to the workplace, surely it is better to learn to manage it? This article explores what causes conflict, the stages it follows and on what people need to reflect to be better able to deal with it.

Citation: Jones L et al (2019) Workplace conflict: why it happens and how to manage it. Nursing Times [online]; 115: 3, 26-28.

Authors: Lesley Jones is head of clinical education at Cwm Taf University Health Board; Jane Harden is senior lecturer in adult nursing at Cardiff University; Mark Radford is director of nursing – improvement; Jacqueline McKenna is director of nursing – professional leadership, both at NHS Improvement.
This article has been double-blind peer reviewed
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Download the NT Journal Club handout here to distribute with the article before your journal club meeting
Click here for an article reporting on a study that investigated a workplace conflict training day

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