
Nurse leadership during a crisis: ideas to support you and your team

Digital Edition: Nurse leadership during a crisis: ideas to support you and your team

Crisis leadership requires communication, a clear vision and values, and caring relationships. This article suggests ways to achieve this and examines the existing evidence and guidance

There are three central themes of crisis leadership: communication, clear vision and values, and caring relationships. During a crisis – such as the current coronavirus pandemic – these are essential parts of nurse leaders’ roles. This article examines the existing evidence about each of these themes and suggests ways in which nurse leaders can support themselves and their teams. It also discusses the implications for training and the future opportunities that arise as a result of a crisis.
Citation: Moore C (2020) Nurse leadership during a crisis: ideas to support you and your team. Nursing Times [online]; 116: 12, 34-37.
Author: Carley Moore is lead practice nurse, Marcham Road Family Health Centre, Abingdon, Oxfordshire. 

This article has been double-blind peer reviewed
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