Tools and techniques to improve teamwork and avoid patient harm

Digital Edition: Tools and techniques to improve teamwork and avoid patient harm

Patient safety often relies on effective communication and good teamwork. Simple tools are at hand to help teams work together efficiently

Although health professionals tend to think they are good at communicating, many patient safety incidents, complaints and negligence claims incriminate communication failures and/or poor teamwork. Good teamwork requires effective communication, leadership, situational awareness and mutual support. Simple tools and techniques, such as those used in the TeamSTEPPS training method, can help improve communication and teamwork, which can in turn decrease the risk of harm to patients. This article describes what can go wrong in communication between team members and how to go about fixing it.
Citation: Robson W (2016) Tools and techniques to improve teamwork and avoid patient harm. Nursing Times; 113: 1, 24-27.
Author: Wayne Robson is patient safety and quality lead at Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust.
This article has been double-blind peer reviewed
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