
Listening skills 1: how to improve your listening skills

Digital Edition: Listening skills 1: how to improve your listening skills

Listening is a vital part of nursing care and the SAGE & THYME model can serve as a ‘satellite navigation system’ for listening and responding to patients’ concerns

Good professional listening is a foundation stone of nursing, as it has a positive impact on patients’ health. Listening skills can be learned but need to be revisited, as they can become less sharp over time. The SAGE & THYME communication model provides a structure that can help nurses acquire and practise good listening skills. Part 1 of this two-part series explores the SAGE & THYME model and gives an example of how a nurse uses it to elicit a patient’s concerns. Part 2 contains exercises that readers can complete to reflect on their own listening skills. This can be done as part of continuing professional development and can count towards the requirements for revalidation.

Citation: Connolly M (2016) Listening skills 1: how to improve your listening skills. Nursing Times; 45/46: 10-12.

Author: Michael Connolly is Macmillan consultant nurse in supportive and palliative care, University Hospital of South Manchester.
This article has been double-blind peer reviewed
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