Resource: Hopeline19 phone service and PTSD-focused campaign


Source:  adam&eveDDB

Nursing Times has collected information on a series of free virtual courses and resources that are relevant to the Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign and being offered by a variety of organisations, unions and charities.

A free public phone line dedicated to providing emotional support to NHS and frontline health and social care staff was launched on 9 September, as part of a new campaign.

The free phone service, called Hopeline19, allows people to leave messages of support intended to provide a boost to frontline health and care staff when they are feeling vulnerable and traumatised.

The messages will be moderated and then uploaded, so that frontline workers can call and listen to kind words from the public when they feel discouraged or down, said those behind the initiative.

The line is populated with messages of hope, according to adam&eveDDB, the agency working on the campaign with charity Frontline19, which offers mental health support for NHS workers.

The phone number 0808 196 6519 can be used to both leave and listen to messages. Callers are invited to press 1 to leave a message, or 2 to listen.

An accompanying film, called One Crisis Has Caused Another, aims to raise awareness of HopeLine19 as well as increasing understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder and the ways in which it affects frontline staff.

The film begins with a nurse phoning the next of kin of a patient to inform them he has died from Covid-19 and shows how devastated she is after delivering the news.

From there, the film reveals that two in five critical care staff are experiencing PTSD and then invites people to phone HopeLine19 to leave a message of “gratitude, love or support”.

Twilio, a voice and video messaging platform, has supported the project by hosting the phone line free of charge.

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