Resources: NHS advice on mental health and wellbeing

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Nursing Times has collected information on a series of free virtual courses and resources that are relevant to the Covid-19: Are You OK? campaign and being offered by a variety of organisations.

The NHS website itself has a page dedicated to mental health and wellbeing. “If you're feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier, we’re here to help,” it states.

At the top of the page are links to a mood self-assessment quiz and also to a series of audio guides on mental wellbeing.

The rest of the page is divided into four sections that feature a range of useful related links to other parts of the NHS website.

The four headings are How are you feeling?, More self-help and support, Therapy and counselling, and Support for children and young people.

The first section looks at stress, anxiety or depression and other common feelings, like loneliness. The second focuses on tips and advice on good mental health, improving mood and reducing stress.

Meanwhile, the third discusses talking therapies and counselling, plus helplines and support groups. The final one covers the themes of children’s mental health, teen mental health and student mental health.

The page highlights that elsewhere on the site is separate information on where to get urgent help for mental health.

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