Nursing Times author guidelines for clinical comment articles

Clinical comments provide in-depth commentary and analysis on a broad range of clinical topics, backed up by the latest evidence and insights. They can also be an opportunity to bring a topic alive by drawing on your own personal experience.

Some of the articles are commissioned specially by the editorial team and others are submitted by contributors, either already fully written or as ideas that can be developed.

Here are a few guidelines on our clinical comment pieces to help prospective contributors.

It helps us best if, before writing one, that you please read some of the articles on the clinical comment page of the Nursing Times website to become familiar with our style:

Clinical comment articles submitted to Nursing Times should be around 750 words in length (including a maximum of five references).

Articles should be written in free-flowing text style without sections or headings. Please do not include any figures or boxes.

You are asked to back up some of your points with references, but please limit these to five. Ideally, please reference any statistics or, if there isn’t room, indicate the source in the text.

References should be presented in Harvard style. For more information on this please follow the style of clinical comment pieces on our website or refer to our author’s guidelines

In addition, Nursing Times aims to publish articles in clear, plain English, so please avoid complex or overly academic language, and keep jargon to a minimum.

Please include with the comment piece:

  • Your name, job title or role, and employer or education institution, as we will normally include this information when we publish your piece.
  • A landscape-style headshot of yourself (large jpeg image) appropriate to a professional publication.
  • Clinical comment pieces normally have only one author. But where the piece has been co-authored, we can accommodate a maximum of two lead author’s headshots.

Last but not least, please do not submit your opinion article to other publications while it is under consideration by Nursing Times. We are interested in exclusive and genuine views, not marketing.

Please note that all opinion articles are edited before publication.


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