
Explore this section of Nursing Times for the latest news on nursing education, plus clinical articles and opinion

‘Despite the challenges, 2023 brought us much to celebrate’


We have reached December and almost the end of another year. Reflecting on the last 12 months, while there have been many challenges, I think there has also been much to celebrate. We have had two massive 75th anniversaries. The first was that of the Empire Windrush. It was at Tilbury…

‘Is delegation understood by nurses in clinical practice?’


During a large-scale scoping project to review options and opportunities for the band 4 nursing role in Wales, it became evident that delegation is misunderstood by nursing teams, despite a plethora of available policy documents and guidelines. Research indicates that delegation mastery is somewhat under-developed amongst registered nurses, albeit recognised…

‘Tinkering won’t deliver the vast increase in student nurses required’

Alistair Fitt

For the first time in decades, the nation’s health and wellbeing is in reverse. Rising numbers of patients with multiple conditions, an ageing population, long-term illness, and growth in mental health problems, are placing huge strain on healthcare. At the same time, many challenges weigh on the NHS as it…

‘We can expect much to be promised ahead of the next election’


The starting gun has been fired. The next general election is most likely many months away but the first serious attempts by the main political parties to garner support have now begun. This is because the autumn party conference season is upon us. The Liberal Democrats are holding theirs in…

‘Supporting action to improve sustainability is a key aim of Nursing Times’


Sustainability and the climate crisis have been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons this week, both environmentally and economically, from my point of view. The prime minister has opted to row back on or dilute key net-zero policies that were put in place by two of his predecessors…

‘Nurse educators and students must receive effective support’


The new academic year is upon us, with students around the UK getting ready to either start or rejoin courses and educators preparing their teaching plans. With this in mind, our September edition of Nursing Times is dedicated to supporting nurses in education, hearing from those working in the sector…